报告人:Rafael Alcaraz Barrera(Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí)
腾讯会议号:443 185 417 (无密码)
报告摘要:In 1988, F. Blanchard gave a classification of the symbolic dynamics of the class of beta-shifts. Such shifts are strongly related to greedy expansions in non-integer bases. Inspired by this, we present a similar classification for the class of subshifts arisen by unique expansions in non-integer bases. We put special emphasis in describing when the specification property and synchronization holds in this case. If time permits, we will also present some advances in the general classification of lexicographic subshifts and pose some questions.
报告人简介: Rafael Alcaraz Barrera博士毕业于英国Manchester大学,目前在墨西哥Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí工作。主要研究方向:动力系统与数论,尤其是非整数进制展开中的动力系统、符号动力系统以及一维开动力系统。在Trans AMS, ETDS, DCDS杂志上发表多篇论文。