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Lunar monoids and the self-absorption property of its Hankel system


报告人:王李俊 研究生(武汉大学)

时间:2025年03月20日 09:30-


摘要:In recent work of Yong Han, Yanqi Qiu and Zipeng Wang, they introduced the notion of self-absorption property(SAP). They prove that Hankel system on lunar monoids admits SAP, which was applied to the study of completely bounded Fourier multipliers between Hardy spaces. In this talk, we will show some recent progress in the study of relation between lunar condition and SAP. We claim that every hereditary-SAP monoid is in fact a lunar one. The talk is based on joint work with Yong Han, Yanqi Qiu and Zipeng Wang.

邀请人: 数学研究中心

