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The ranks of $(a,b)$-Fibonacci sequences and congruences for certain partition functions and Ramanujan's mock theta functions


报告人:夏先伟 教授(苏州科技大学)

时间:2025年03月07日 14:00-


摘要:In thistalk,I introduce a method for provinginfinite families of congruences and strange congruencesfor $c(n)$ which is defined by $\sum_{n=0}^\infty c(n) q^n= \prod_{k=1}^\infty (1-q^k)^r(1-q^{kt})^s $. Here $r,s,t$ are someintegers with$t> 1$. By our method, in order to discover infinitefamiliesof congruences modulo $M$ for $c(n)$, it suffices to computethe ranks of $(a,b)$-Fibonaccisequences modulo $M$. As applications, we establish many infinite families of congruences and strange congruences for someRamanujan's mock theta functionsand certain partition functions,such as, a partition functionrelatedtomock theta function $\omega(q)$and broken $k$-diamond partitions.

邀请人: 傅士硕

