报告人:陈家乐 博士后(陕西师范大学)
时间:2024年11月02日 10:50-
摘要:In this talk, we characterize the d×d matrix weights W on C^n such that the Fock projection P_{\alpha} is bounded on the vector-valued spaces L^p_{\alpha,W}(C^n;C^d) induced by W. It is proved that for 1<=p<\infty, the Fock projection P_{\alpha} is bounded on L^p_{\alpha,W}(C^n;C^d) if and only if W satisfies a restricted A_p-condition. Then we show some applications to vector-valued Fock spaces in the case p=2, including the density of polynomials, Littlewood-Paley formula, embedding theorems and boundedness of Volterra type integration operators. This is based on joint works with Prof. Maofa Wang.