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Aspects of Noncommutative Geometry: With a Focus on SU(2)-Symmetries of C* -algebras



时间:2024年09月24日 14:00-


摘要:This talk is divided into two parts. In the first part, I will provide a brief overview of key concepts in Noncommutative Geometry, with a focus on homological methods in operator algebras and their connections to other areas of mathematics, such as graph theory and dynamical systems. To conclude this section, I will introduce the Toeplitz extension and its generalization by Arveson, which serve as partial motivation for the second part of the talk.

          The second part will focus on subproduct systems arising from SU(2)-representations and the associated C*-algebras. I will review results by F. Arici and J. Kaad on irreducible representations and present new findings on more general cases. In particular, we will examine the structure of SU(2)-subproduct systems related to isotypical and multiplicity-free representations. Finally, I will compute the K-theory groups of the corresponding Toeplitz algebras and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras. This is joint work in progress with Francesca Arici.

简介:Yufan Ge is currently a PhD student at Leiden University, under the supervision of Dr. Francesca Arici. His research interests lie in operator algebras and their (K)K-theory, with a particular focus on C*-algebras on subproduct systems, such as Toeplitz algebras and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras. He is also keenly interested in the applications of operator algebras in other areas of mathematics, especially dynamical systems, graph theory, and function spaces.


