时间:2024年02月29日 10:00-
摘要:A collection of multivariable complex polynomials defines an algebraic variety in an affine space. How large the compactly supported Betti numbers of this variety can be? I'll provide some upper bounds in terms of the dimension of the variety, the number of variables, and the degrees of the defining polynomials. For complete intersections, the bound is asymptotically sharp. This is a joint work with Daqing Wan.
简介:张鼎新 2017 年毕业于纽约州立大学石溪分校, 2017 年至 2019 年在布兰迪斯大学和哈佛大学任西蒙斯合作博士后. 2019 年至今为清华大学助理教授. 研究方向为代数几何, 特别是代数簇的上同调及其算术应用。